This week's episode will help the Ego relax so we can make decisions and stick to them!

Why does this matter? 

Because indecision comes from the Ego, not the Soul.

To move through indecision and into aligned action, we want to help our Ego structure and understand the decision in front of it. This lets the Ego feel secure and thus move aside so the intuitive Soul can speak (more on the Soul's role can be found in the Intuitive Decision Making episode linked here).

In this week's episode, I'll teach you the 4-Box Model to Decision Making that covers the role of action, decision, and commitment. You'll get the chance to diagnose your own decision-making process and learn techniques to move through fear by building commitment and creating momentum.

And to dive in even deeper on decision-making, you are invited to access the FREE Decision Making 101 course! It is included as part of the podcast gift bundle exclusively for podcast listeners. See the description below for details on how to access this free course.



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This is exclusive to podcast listeners! When you leave a review of this podcast and send a screenshot of the review to [email protected], you will receive the podcast gift bundle. This bundle includes:

Decision-Making 101 5-Part Course
Emotional Release Guided Process 19-Min Audio
Take Charge of Your Career Guidebook of 30+ Actionable Steps 

Leave your review and email Lisa ([email protected]) today to get your bundle!



Ready for 1:1 coaching to bring your ego and soul in alignment and take charge of your career? It starts with a free consultation. Schedule yours here:



Lisa Philyaw, M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Certified Life Coach, is an expert career and life coach. She takes a soul-focused, heart-led approach to helping her clients tap into their own innate wisdom. Through coaching with Lisa, clients learn to embrace all of who they are and show up to do their work in a way that is genuine and feels good.