Previous Episode: When You Feel Behind
Next Episode: Manage Anxiety at Work

  When we feel uncomfortable, it's natural for us to want to run away and avoid the situation.

At the same time, we're often told we should seek discomfort and push ourselves out of our comfort zone in order to grow.

These mixed messages can make it hard to know how to move forward. Because all discomfort isn't the same.

There are levels of discomfort, and we need to know which level our discomfort is at in order to know how we want to respond to it. 

Discomfort may exist at the ego level, the soul level, or both.

By knowing which level of discomfort we're experiencing, we can know whether we want to lean into the discomfort, allowing ourselves to feel uncomfortable as we make bold moves in our work and life.

Or whether we want to move away from the discomfort, using it as our cue that something is not right for us.

In this episode, we'll cover:

What we mean by discomfort and why we experience it
When discomfort is coming from the ego vs. the soul
How to respond to discomfort from a soul-aligned approach

You'll leave this episode with better understanding of the purpose of discomfort at the ego and soul levels and how to respond to it.



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This month-long program kicks off in January and teaches how to tap into your self confidence at the soul level. It contains weekly group coaching sessions, daily action steps and content videos, and a special kick-off coaching call. 

As an added bonus, the sooner you enroll, the sooner you get support!

Those who enroll by December 5th will also receive a bonus 5 day Self Confidence training.



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Lisa Philyaw, M.S. in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Certified Life Coach, is an expert career and life coach. She takes a soul-focused, heart-led approach to helping her clients tap into their own innate wisdom. Through coaching with Lisa, clients learn to embrace all of who they are and show up to do their work in a way that is genuine and feels good.