With schools, camps, and colleges either closed or reassessing the safety of operating as we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have been spending more time with our kids than ever before. My 14-year-old daughter, Winter, has been helping me out at Bayntree, and has taught me a lot about TikTok, YouTube and how Gen Zers think about money along the way. 

Today, Winter joins the podcast to share what Gen Zers think about retirement, money, and what she’s doing (and what we’re doing) to help her get a better understanding of money. 

In this podcast interview, you’ll learn: 

Why Current helps kids go beyond a basic allowance to track their spending, set budgets, and learn the value of money. How to explain Social Security payments, the pension system, and retirement funds to your kids.  How to teach kids about investing by putting focus on companies they already know about.  What makes Zoom so good for business but a difficult replacement for traditional schooling.