Carolyn Bendall, Fashion Critic and blogger (, discusses subjects, trends, or products within the beauty and fashion industry, focusing on Your True Colours, and how it applies to you, the individual.

Samson and Qamar Titus were both born and raised in Pakistan as the fourth generation Christians. Their great grandparents converted from Sikh religion in the early 1900’s, when John Nelson Hyde (more commonly known as Praying Hyde) was preaching through India. Both accepted Jesus Christ as their savior and were baptized in Pakistan.  According to the Pakistani tradition their parents arranged their marriage in 1989. They attended All Nations Christian College in London, England and returned to Pakistan in 1991 to work with the tribal (Bheel) people in southern Pakistan. In 1994 they came to United States of America and were ordained to be ministers of the Gospel in 1995. They set up the mission’s office to raise much needed financial support for the work in Pakistan. When (Qamar’s Father) Dr. William Daniel passed away in 1996, it placed them in the leadership position to oversee the work in Pakistan and raise financial support.

In addition to the work in Pakistan; they teach seminars/conferences on Cross Cultural Outreach, as well as minister in prayer and counseling as the Lord is bringing so many needy people across their path. They travel across the United States and other parts of the world to teach and preach.