Carolyn Bendall, Fashion Critic and blogger (, discusses subjects, trends, or products within the beauty and fashion industry, focusing on Your True Colours, and how it applies to you, the individual.

Jennifer Williams-Fields is passionate about writing, yoga, traveling and being a fabulous single mother to six super kids. Doing it all at one time, however, is her great struggle. She has been teaching yoga since 2005 and writing since she first picked up a crayon. Although her life is a sort of organized chaos, she loves every minute of the craziness and is grateful for all she’s learned along the way. Her first book "Creating a Joyful Life: The Lessons I Learned From Yoga and My Mom" is now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and at Booksellers of Laurelwood. She is a regular writer for multiple magazines and has had her essays featured on the Yahoo home page.  Jennifer can be reached on Facebook at Jennifer Williams-Fields, Writer.