Carolyn Bendall, Fashion Critic and blogger (, discusses subjects, trends, or products within the beauty and fashion industry, focusing on Your True Colours, and how it applies to you, the individual.

David Vargas, President and Founder of Lumavera Skin Care, advanced plant cell technology.  Growing up on a farm in Mexico, David Vargas learned how to work the land and use natural herbs and foods.  He watched as his mother prepared home grown skin care.  He became fascinated with the art of his family's home remedies, and the science of modern skin care.  His daughters, both deeply into beauty and wellness, spurred him on to continue the traditions of his mother, and her mother and her mother's mother before her.

Now, by combininb the family's traditional health remedies with today's science of skin care and beauty in Lumavera Beauty products, Vargas shares this timeless wisdom with you so that we can all live the promise of healthy, beautiful lives.