Look Good! Feel Good! with  Debra Norwood, Laughter Lawyer USA is a program about positive people, places and causes! Today's guest is teacher,counselor and prolific author, Dr. Earl Henslin.  Dr. Henslin brings a message of compassion and hope to all of us who sometimes can do the strangest things to the people we love and just don't know why! 

Are you a Scattered Lover? an Over-Focused Lover? Are you in a relationship with a Blue Mood Lover? or an Aggitated Lover?  Are you an Anxious Lover? Do issues  such as  sexuality versus spirituality or hormones, or addictions plague you?   Well, let's look under the hood of your brain and have a neuroscience expert tell us why you may be experiencing trouble and how to to rebuild your relationship.

  Dr. Henslin's vast experience includes helping individuals and families in marriage counseling, traumatic stress, addictions, abuse, ADD/ADHD and other issues. He uses an innovative, state of the art, therapeutic approach by integrating brain imaging into the treatment of psychological,physical,and spiritual problems.  Dr.Henslin  has worked closely for 14 years with  brain imaging research pioneer, Dr. Daniel G. Amen.

A  Valentine's book filled with hope  that every couple should have: THIS IS YOUR BRAIN IN LOVE by  Dr.Earl Henslin  Order one now, just in time for Valentine's Day! www.drhenslin.com

Laughter Lawyer USA uses brain health and therapeutic humor and laughter to help people  develop Peacebuilding skills.   Friend her on Facebook @[email protected] Twitter:@laughterlawyeru