Join Debra Norwood, Laughter Lawyer USA for her Look Good! Feel Good! Show featuring Positive people, places and causes! Today's Show will feature a review of Prevention Magazine, August edition on health and wellness as well as HEAL THE PAIN, HEAL THE BRAIN; A journey into psyconeuroimmunology!  Todays show brings a  message of hope for chronic pain sufferers who are searching for alternative remedies to pain management.

Are you suffering from a chronic condition that is getting you down? Studies show that Social Connections, New Learning, Positive Thinking, Gratitude, Forgiveness. Humor and Laughter all have healing effects on the body and help reduce emotional and physical pain.  Laughter Lawyer talks about her journey in pain management, and brain health.  Todays show talks about some of the new studies on stress, aging and happiness and how with some effort, one can improve one's situation when they nurish the body with movement, positive emotions, mindfulness and of course, LAUGHTER! friend us on Facebook at Laughter Lawyer USA   Message  [email protected] for more information on seminars on how to manage pain by healing the brain.