Understaning people through the eyes of The Color Code system allows you to gain much deeper and more useful insights into what makes you and those around you tick.  

Whites are typically moderate people without too many extremes in their personality.  Most simply just flow through life.  A Whites driving core motive is all about peace.  To others, Whites seem boring and uninvolved.   If you ask a white what they want for dinner, they will usually have no clue.   Whites are content by themselves.  They can be indecisive, timid, silently stubborn and uninvolved.  But they make great listeners and are very diplomatic.  

Join Mark (the Blue) and Kally (the Red), who are both Certified Color Code Trainers to understand the White personality a little better.  We have found many whites so happy to discover themselves.  Often others around them want to get them out of their cave where they are most comfortable.