We can now test for Vitamin D deficiency, and many people are taking huge amounts of vitamin D supplements - but still coming up short.  The best source of your vitamin D is the sunshine.  But doesn't the sun cause cancer?   Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption.  When you are low in Vitamin D, you are at risk for diseases like cancer, heart disease, depression, and even weight gain.  Vitamin D can even help with autism, autoimmune disorders, and chronic pain.

Tune in to find out the best food sources and supplements of vitamin D; how and when to get your vitamin D from the Sun in a healthy way; and why you need to make sure your getting Vitamin D.  It really is one of the MOST IMPORTANT nutrients you need to make sure your getting as it is vital for so many processes in the body.

Photo credits by Stuart Miles and SOMMAI at FreeDigitalPhotos.net