Laughter is the best medicine.

Debra Norwood, The Laughter Lawyer, got to spend a week in the company of the renowned Patch Adams known for his work as a medical doctor and a clown.  He is founder of the Gesundheit! Institute.  and has some interesting views on healing and medicine.  

At one point in his life he felt very suicidal and then entered a mental hospital that changed him.  He wanted to become a medical doctor and help people.

Patch went on to start making his one dream into a reality. He believed that the medical system was twisted and that it cheated poor people. So, he decided that he wanted to build a hospital.  His Gesundheit Institute is not completely perfected, but it is up and running. One person said of the Institute: "There, amongst beautiful mountains, hardwood forests and waterfalls, Gesundheit advocates are constructing a holistic rural hospital and healthcare community based on the vision of what healthcare should be like. That means patient care where laughter, joy and creativity will be an integral part of the healing process. Healthcare will be provided without cost and allopathic doctors and practitioners of alternative medicine will work side by side." 

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