There are lots of 'bugs' going around your school, office or home.  Do you find yourself living in a never ending world of going from one sickness to another with someone in your family?  We will share with you our secrets of staying healthy.  Our family of 9 didn't pass every bug around the family, nor do we get sick from all the germs that come into our wellness and toy store and there are lots of sick kids and adults that pass through our doors.

You may hear of "magic cure-alls" to treat different ailments.  We'll debunk of of those myths and share with you some truely magical 'old wives tales' and 'grandmas remedies' that really do work.  We've got some science to back it all up as well.   We'll cover essential oils, herbal remedies, homeopathic remedies and more.

We are not diagnosing or prescribing.  Please talk with your doctor.  

Our family went from the sick care life style and industry to our Wellness Lifestyle.  Our passion is to help you Get Real and bridge the gap to a joy-filled passionate life with good health and vitality.  Read more about us by clicking here.   

Mark and Kally Efros

Indigo Mountain:  Wellness, Toys & Gifts

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Images courtesy of jscreationzs and David Castillo Dominici at