We'll give you the scoop on hCG so you can see if it is just another fad.  

No weight loss program lasts without a change of habits and thoughts.  Weight loss isn't always about calories in and calories out.  Kally knows, she struggled with weight issues for years.  Even after nearly 10 years of eating a healthy diet and daily, rigorous exercise, she couldn't lose a pound.  

Kally lost 60 lbs on hCG and has been able to maintain that. She will share her journey and what you need to know about hCG to lose weight and maintain it.  It can be the answer you are looking for or it can be another failed diet depending on how you approach the program.

We debunk some of the myths and falsehoods out there. Enjoy some real life funny stories, humor, and great tips.  Our passion is to help you Get Real and bridge the gap to a joy-filled passionate life with good health and vitality. 

Check out our website at www.wellnessandtoys.com.  You can connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.  Keep up with our show and tell us what you think on our FaceBook group page.

Mark and Kally

Photo Credits:  by marin at FreeDigitalPhotos.net