September 23rd is the first day of fall - The Season of Letting Go.  In the fall, trees lose their leaves.  Autumn is a time of letting go of the clutter in our lives and what is no longer needed.  It is a time to recognize what is most precious in our lives.  Tune in for tips on letting go and strengthening from within. Trees don't hang onto their leaves in case they need them later.

In the fall, the days get shorter.  It is a time to harvest the summer crops, a time to finish summer projects.  And people tend to get more serious as opposed to the more active playful days of summer.

We've got some tips to help you unclutter and set a new pace for your life as we ease into the busy holiday season.  As we mirror nature around, letting go of things that are not serving us, can clear our lives for more abundance.

Photo credits: Bill Longshaw, Rosemary Ratcliff, luigi diamanti at