Don't Make These Mistakes, What We Learned From Starting Several Businesses.

BYOB - Be Your Own Boss and what that really means.  When  you start a small business, you do everything from cleaning the toilets, to meeting with customers.  Here are our tips that we learned opening many businesses that will make your life easier if you are really interested in having your own small business.  

In the hotel business, Mark was often tasked with opening new hotels and often that included restaurants as well.  Kally has run several small businesses from teaching piano lessons to a children's dance studio.  Together we have started a hotel consulting business, partnered with others in a restaurant, and now operated our store, Indigo Mountain Wellness, Toys and Gifts in Arizona.  Mark continues as a business consultant.  Last year, Kally was named Small Business Woman of the Year for Graham and Greenlee Counties in Arizona.

Over the years we've made a lot of mistakes, taken a lot of classes to learn the best tips, failed and have been very successful.  Running a business take resilience and perseverance and the ability to re-invent yourself.  Join us for some tips that might help you with your current business or getting started with one.

We believe that the life of America is its small businesses, they have heart and soul and can really benefit a community.

Mark and Kally

Indigo Mountain:  Wellness, Toys and Gifts