This book was given to me as a gift about 17 years ago.  It was the first "self-help" book I had read or really looked at.  It was eye opening and it literally changed the course of my life.  This book was a catlyst that got me into the healing arts because it helped me heal my life and see my truth.

Karol Truman provides a comprehensive and enlightening resource for getting in touch with unresolved feelings which, she explains, can distort not only happiness but also health and well-being. 

I have had the privelege of being in workshops with her and she is a real, down to earth human being.

Join me for an overview of this book and discover why Feelings Buired Alive Never Die. And I'll share with you her concept of scripting and how it can help you in your life.

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Photo Credits:  Karol Truman, and digitalart at