We love sipping on herbal infusions, especially as the weather cools down.   Many people think they don’t like herbal tea/infusions, but they have probably not enjoyed a good cup.  Tune in and learn all about the traditions of tea, types of tea and how to get a good cup.  There is nothing I love more than visiting a friend in the afternoon and enjoying a good conversation, relaxation and a delicious cup of herbal tea. 

Find out which tea has more antioxidants than green tea, making it the super star of tea without caffiene.  

And, by the way, herbal tea is really an herbal infusion.  Green tea is really green tea infusion.  Come find out why.

Our family went from the sick care life style and industry to our Wellness Lifestyle.  Our passion is to help you Get Real and bridge the gap to a joy-filled passionate life with good health and vitality.  Read more about us by clicking here.   Get real information, wellness tips, health care products, and information to help inspire creativity and imagination.


Mark and Kally Efros

Indigo Mountain:  Wellness, Toys & Gifts

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Photo credits:  antpkr, artur84, guigib, KEKO64 at Freedigitalphotos.net