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Cindy Rodriguez
Founder, Elimu Girls

Cindy Rodriguez founder of Elimu-USA believes in education and empowerment of women and girls. As a human rights activist, she focuses on the development project of ElimuGirls and is passionate about access to economic empowerment and creating pathways for female entrepreneurship. Providing a voice, choice, and a bank account to marginalized female communities will disrupt the cycles of poverty, child bride rituals, and female genital mutilation practices. As a though leader in education, a prior teacher & K-8 administrator, Cindy’s education background promotes ElimuGirls reaching their full potential. She holds MAs in Curriculum and Instruction and Education Leadership. She has an active hand in charity work ranging from assisting Latino students with scholarship foundations to the development of preschools in Darfur/Chad refugee camps. In her free time, she enjoys baking, cooking, travel, running with her two dogs, and being an active mom.

Call To Action:

The power of one drives change.

Elimu Girls invites you to be a disruptor for good. If you have an interest in our organization, please contact me at [email protected] or any of our social media channels. Let’s coll

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Thanks for listening.

Love Rachel x

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