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What if blending your intuition with external business strategies could lead to effortless success? This week on the Soulful Badass Podcast, I challenge the traditional approaches to entrepreneurship by emphasising the power of aligning your energy with what truly feels right for you. Discover how identifying the activities that bring you joy and boost your energy can unlock a magnetic quality that opens new pathways to your unique success journey. Embrace the concept that no one has ever run your business before, and you are the ultimate expert in creating a path that lights you up.

And here's the exciting news: the next round of the Miraculous Success Academy kicks off in July! This transformative program is specifically designed to help women tap into their intuition and elevate their energy to achieve unparalleled business success. Listen as I share the inspiring stories of previous participants who have experienced life-changing results. Don't miss this chance to join a cohort of intuitive, successful women. Click the link below for more details and to sign up. Your journey to effortless business success starts here!

Join me for an incredible 3 day live event in July. Quantum Success Activation. Discover how to close the gap between your desired life and your current reality to create the extraordinary. Join here.

Miraculous Success Academy is reopening! Grab your place in the mastermind of ultimate expansion and limitless success.

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There are amazing programs and meditations available at , including this Meditation 'Unleash the Highest Version of You', which is my free gift to you for listening.

You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram @rachel.soulfulbadass

Thanks for listening.

Love Rachel x