The holiday season is coming up! Yayyy! We hope someone is as excited as we are.

Even if you’re not feeling it this year, as a business owner you’ve got to plan for the holidays. The tips we share in this episode will help you prepare for this year’s Black Friday promotions and beyond. Avoid overwhelm and busyness by following these prep tips and getting ready now!

Key points in this episode…

Meg has her first workshop where she speaks to Pike Place Market on the basics of short form video.
Lauren creates a new policy in her business.
The holiday season is coming up fast.
Tips to get your business prepared.
Take advantage of Black Friday promotion whether as a product or service provider.
Offer discounts.
As a service provider, create an offer that is relevant to Black Friday.
Get your shipping situation figured out.
Gifts for clients.
Let clients & customers know your availability and response time.
Do something special for your team.
Prepare mentally and financially for the possibility of a slow down in your business.
Hire extra help before you need it.
Stock up on inventory and supplies ahead of time.
Make sure your website is ready.

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Is there a topic you’d like us to cover in an upcoming episode? Are you a business owner who wants to join us on the podcast to share your story? Send us an email at [email protected] to get in touch.

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Connect with Megan at, on TikTok, and Instagram