There’s something you need to know up front about this particular episode: It’s for the birds! All of them! Raptors, Songbirds, Scavenger Birds, Owls, I could go on and on.


Mainly because I love trying to identify different types of birds. In fact, one of my family’s favorite movies is called “The Big Year” with Steve Martin, Jack Black, and Owen Wilson. We watch it frequently and enjoy identifying the various birds who land on our fence or in the trees next to it. But this is nothing compared to today’s guest. Her whole life is birdified!

Wendy Perrone is the Founder and Executive Director of the Three Rivers Avian Center (TRAC) in Brooks, West Virginia. TRAC is located right next to the New River Gorge National Park in the southern portion of the New River Gorge National River down by Sandstone Falls Overlook.

Wendy and her husband Ron founded TRAC back in 1990, and they still run it to this day. That’s 31 years of bird rescue, rehabilitation, and reintroduction from the property on which they live. 31 years is a long time so you can count on my asking Wendy about succession planning and the future of the organization.

Wendy was a delight to interview. I always find someone’s path into the sector interesting, and you’ll be amazed at what Wendy and her husband did prior to starting TRAC! The thing is, now that they’ve had the organization for so many years, it’s hard to imagine them doing anything else!

With a rather remote location, you might be surprised to know TRAC receives injured birds from all over the state—I think you’ll be impressed with how the birds are transported. Can you say “volunteer coordination”?!

By the time you’re done listening to this podcast, you’ll be observing birds from a whole new perspective. I’m so happy you’re here to learn about the important work Wendy Perrone is doing at Three Rivers Avian Center and what her plans are to keep it going long after she’s gone--not that she’s leaving anytime soon!