The mission of achieving equity and justice for minorities is nowhere near over. And while countless initiatives have been put in place, how do we ensure that change is truly happening?


In this episode, Kimberly will be sharing five strategies for you to not only continue the conversation on allyship, diversity, and inclusion but to turn those words into action in your workplace. Apply these strategies so that you are being a true ally and not just jumping on the performative bandwagon of equity initiatives just for the sake of doing so. We’ve talked the talk, and now it’s time to walk the walk.



How to turn conversation into action. How to rectify pay gaps in your organization. Ways to make performance reviews tangible and unbiased. Diversity does not stop at recruiting. How to best support your Chief Diversity Officer. 



“Just because you are Black or Asian or Latina x or a member of the LGBTQIA community does not mean you know how to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiatives. I want you to have the information to take the conversation to the next step.”



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