We all come to a point where we feel stuck in life, not knowing what the next move is. Believe it or not, career and workplace expert Lindsey Pollak was once all too familiar with that feeling. Join in on the conversation as she shares her career journey from being unemployed to being one of the most prominent figures in the career and speaking field. Learn all about recalculation and how you can put yourself in a much happier and more fulfilling place in your career. Lindsey also shares with us the inspiration behind her books and other books that have helped propel her forward in her career and mindset journey (link to her books in the show notes below!). 



What does recalculating mean?  What does it mean to recalculate your career?  Navigating the changes in the world of work due to COVID. How to stay resilient in turbulent times. Lindsey’s top book recommendations.  The number one advice for career transitioning and recalculating. 



“My favorite speaker of the night said, “I wish I hadn't been so afraid. Because when I look back over my career, I don't regret a single mistake I made, but I regret every opportunity I didn't try for.”"



Visit Lindsey’s website at https://lindseypollak.com/ for information on her books, courses, speaking, and more. 

Connect with Lindsey on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lindseypollak/


About the Book: 

Learn more at nextmovebestmovebook.com

Books are available wherever books are sold!


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