With COVID restrictions still very much in place even after a year, things like coffee dates, impromptu lunches, and casual conversations just aren’t a thing anymore!


So how do we not only navigate a virtual working environment but thrive in it as well?


In this episode, Kimberly will introduce you to the Accelerated Collisions concept and her 3-step process to networking in a time like this. Learn to be strategic and intentional with your networking as well as how to position yourself as a leader in a virtual working environment. Tune in now and find out how you can land more jobs, meet your next business partner, or simply have inspiring conversations with others!  



- What are accelerated collisions?  

- The importance of getting clarity on your vision and goals. 

- How to identify your gaps and opportunities. 

- What circles and rooms do you want to be in? 

- How to stand out in group settings. 



“Hell, if you were like me, I've timed my entrance or elevator ride to make sure I ‘accidentally’ was in the same place at the right time so I could spark a conversation. But we just don't have that anymore. So you have to be strategic and intentional now.”



MTYRETREAT on Instagram @mtyretreat - https://www.instagram.com/mtyretreat/?hl=en

Watch Kimberly’s previous 3-step process video here: https://www.instagram.com/p/B0DpxJ7lOdx/


Have career and leadership development questions? Email Kimberly at [email protected]


Learn more about Kimberly Brown and download a free career strategy template at kimberlybonline.com 


Read the book “Next Move, Best Move: Transitioning Into a Career You’ll Love” at nextmovebestmovebook.com


Follow Kimberly on social media:

IG | @kimberlybonline - instagram.com/kimberlybonline

FB | facebook.com/kimberlybonline 

Twitter | twitter.com/kimberlybonline

LinkedIn | linkedin.com/in/kimberlybonline



Your Next Move is edited by Instapodcasts (visit at instapodcasts.com)