When you’re just launching a new startup company, one of the first things many entrepreneurs begin to think about is how to find funding from investors and financial partners. But, the problem of getting a “yes” from investors often arises due to a few key components that entrepreneurs have mistakenly overlooked.

My guest today is Lauren Flanagan, Founder and Managing Director of Belle Capital USA. She is also the CEO of a strategic advisory firm called SCIO Corp, a company that helps early stage companies prepare to scale, raise capital, and achieve successful exits. I’ve known Lauren for a little over a year and she is filled with knowledge, insight, and understanding of the complexities within the investing industry, as well as the challenges that many startup businesses and entrepreneurs face when searching for outside funding to take their business to the next level.

Lauren joins me on the show today to share her knowledge and insight about some of the key components you should consider before presenting your business or product idea to potential investors, why not all businesses need outside funding, and why building a competent team around your idea is a critical part of showing investors the value of your proposition.


“It’s important that you do as much diligence on your partners as they are going to do on you.” – Lauren Flanagan


This Week on the Your Money, Your Business, Your Life Podcast:

How to know when to begin raising capital and outside funding How to tell when your product is ready to present to financial partners and investors Why you need the right advisors – and the type of advisors you should consider How to prepare for outside funding The importance of creating, protecting, and sharing intellectual property within your plan


5 Value Proposition Questions to Ask Yourself:

Who’s going to buy and why? What is the burning problem you are solving? How big is that market? What is the competition like? What is your strategic or competitive advantage?


Mentioned in This Episode:

Built to Last book by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras Good to Great book by Jim Collins


Connect with Lauren Flanagan:

Belle Capital USA Email: [email protected]