Our overall wellbeing is affected by different factors including the stress of teaching, workload as well as our finances.

Recent research by Aegon focuses on being financially well and its impact on your whole life and it also shows that even those who are earning above-average income still worry about money.

Often people think that if they put in more hours at work and get a promotion, they will be financially secure but that is not the case and I believe this is why it is vital to work on your money mindset and get to know yourself better.

In addition to defining financial wellbeing, I will be sharing some interesting results from the research such as the money building blocks that we encounter and also what steps we can take to overcome these.


Start your journey to financial wellbeing right now.


Step 1: Check out my fabulous free resources for teachers https://www.yourmoneysorted.co.uk/free-resources


Step 2: Join my Your Money Sorted Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/yourmoneysortedgroup


Step 3: Fast-track your success and Maximise Your Money https://www.yourmoneysorted.co.uk/maximise-your-money