There may be listeners who find it irritating when Keith and Mike pretty much agree on a subject, but such was the case regarding oral performed on women and how to optimize their orgasm quality. Sure, we haven't witnessed every single female orgasm that has ever happened on the planet (that will have to wait for the surveillance state of the 2030s), but our experience is that women who claim not to enjoy cunnilingus should probably give it another look.

Perhaps this goes along with a somewhat standard rule about life: The thing that is more cumbersome for one person is often the thing that provides the most benefit to the other. Many men do try to "dodge" their oral responsibilities, and perhaps that proves the point that it's something women should want and generally do want.

A man's wife offers him permission to see prostitutes while she is out of town. Is it a legitimate offer, or is this some elaborate form of entrapment? Should he do it, and what is the proper protocol? How far should he be willing to go with the lady of the night?

And, we begin a multi-episode arc of discussing social-media posts questioning the value to men of getting married at all. Does the current legal system and climate in the Western world make it just a bad deal for men?

We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:

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