With Keith out of town, Ally joins the podcast to bring a woman's perspective to our standard fare of questions.

Some women like the "motion of the ocean," while others prefer to be orally satisfied by an insatiable lover. Ally, on the other hand, prefers the "Roller Coaster of Love," opting to be jostled into submission. "I can't manhandle myself, after all," she notes.

We descend into a discussion of dirty talk, and I'm not talking about such standard fare as, "Can I play your cello" or "Explain Lie Algebra again to me, please." No, this is the real serious dirty talk that women sometimes need to get themselves going.

There's some good detail of what exactly Ally feels when a man ejaculates inside of her. This goes for her vagina and/or her mouth, so a pretty detailed description all-in-all.

Ally tells the story of a friend whose partner wanted feet intimately involved in his ejaculatory routine. What surprised me was her friend's willingness to reveal such a situation among friends. And, does it work for women to have men just "put their dick" on their face?

We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:




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