Today we kick off with our new monthly Community Q&A series. We receive so many questions from our listeners we decided to give it back to the wider audience also!

In today’s show we go through 5 of the most common questions that have come in. If you’d like your question to feature on the show, please reach out to us either via or drop us a DM on Instagram.

Enjoy the show!

References from Episode: 

Spiro Health | Can A Better Posture Make You Live Longer?

How To Get Unstuck And Start Building Momentum

How To Harness The Power Of Gratitude

You Get What You Give. The Surprising Benefits Of Why Giving Is Good For You

The Social Dilemma | Official Trailer

The Time Timer

Box Breathing App

The Basics Of Meditation

Master Your Phone, Master Your Day

The 8 Simple Ideas To Curb Social Media Addiction

Thank you so much for listening and checking out this episode of Your Ideal Day. 

You can also check us out on Instagram @youridealday