
Kathryn "RaRa" Asaro Mayers


THE BRIDGE is A Unique Educational Platform That Demonstrates Change & Positive Action

We Are Advocates Of Activating Creativity, Cultivating Determination & Igniting Manifestation!


Kathryn “RaRa” Asaro Mayers is a Native New Yorker, born in Brooklyn, who loves everything about the Big City. She is an audacious storyteller and an advocate of the virtual economy.


For over 3 decades RaRa has been living in Canada raising her family, then devoting her time to building her networks & strategic alliances in Canada and worldwide.


Kathryn went on to develop her market in Real Estate while living in New York until the mid-’80s. Then Psychology, Fitness, Nutrition, Lifestyle & Business Strategizing while living in Montreal and New Business Development with her companies as an integral part of her 10-year plan.


Speaking, Presenting, Coaching, Team Building, Business Etiquette & Relationship Marketing are some of the skills RaRa is passionate about.

Key Businesses that have Kathryn’s personal participation and partnership from inception are Brooklyn Heights, THE BRIDGE, Gratitude Girls, BU Network and her Send Out Cards-Team Gratitude.

Rotarian at heart since August of 2014 RaRa currently serves her community in Niagara as a member with her heart in “Service Above Self”.

Appointed as one of a few selected, Director at Rotary Club of St. Catharines and Co-Chair of Membership Committee, RaRa is communicating with businesses and the members of the community on strategic membership growth and long term engagement.


Serving proudly at Art’s Etobicoke as an Executive Director and Co-Chair for the Nominations Committee, RaRa is extremely devoted to the wellbeing of the community.


Kathryn is a former member of Toastmasters International and BNI: Business Network International and is currently an Ambassador Recruiter to assist in launching specific new chapters in GTA.


At THE BRIDGE, Our main focus is on Action-oriented behaviour and businesses that aim to monetize a new concept or reframe a current program to generate greater profitability.


Empowerment is a state of mind with THE BRIDGE and our Ambassador Clients.  Bridging Phases are designed and created for companies and individuals who are aligned with having a competitive edge and strategizing more momentum.


RaRa is elated to be a VERITY member and commutes from Niagara on the Lake as an active and engaged member since August of 2021.








Audio : Ariza Music Productions

Transcription : Vision In Word


Katherine RaRa Asaro Mayers is passionate about speaking, presenting coaching, team building business etiquette and relationship marketing. She's partnered and participates with such organizations as Brooklyn Heights Gratitude Girls, the you network her send out cards team Gratitude and most importantly, the bridge where empowerment is a state of mind. Welcome, RaRa.


Hi! How are you, Marlana?


Good. So, let's talk about this path to success. During your path, was there anything that you were not expecting or that you would wish you had been better prepared for?


As soon as you said that it took me back to my twenties. I'm thinking. I'm sure my path started before that, but in my twenties, I remember really experiencing success and thinking, This is it.

And then in my thirties and forties I can just look at it. In decades I experienced different forms of success and each time I remember thinking, This is it. I was speaking to someone this morning who said, I love my life, this is it. And each time there is a new level achieved. I always felt very grateful for that, and I left the window open just a little bit for new opportunities to come in. 

So, along the path, I would say that I was always planning for success, and I was sort of expecting it. I wasn't settling. I wasn't thinking, Well, this will be just that kind of year. I was very driven. I started driving at 16, so maybe that's a good metaphor for that. I got behind the wheel at 16 and I'd been there for quite a long time, many decades. So, I believe that the journey and the path to success has always been the vision in my mind's eye that I've allowed to grow with each experience.


So, do you think that it's important to have a clear vision of what it looks like to you, even if because I know along the way our vision can change or alter. But do you think it's important to continue to set? 


So, I think it's like going out into the sun. We dress appropriately. We protect our hair, face, or skin. We wear the right clothes. We get ready when we go out into that sunny day. We don't know if it's going to be scorching hot or cool off or a cloud will come over. If we're prepared. If our mind and our mindset and our vision is open, then success won't be a surprise or overwhelming or something that we have to strive and work towards, like an upward hike? 

I think of every day is going out into the sunshine and being ready. Some days I get caught without sunscreen because I think I don't really need it. But then I get reminded by the professionals in my life. Why not protect yourself? Why not have all the tools? So, I look at that in our minds and say, Why not bring all my tools with me? Why not sharpen them all? Know where they are? Maybe I'll be more equipped for some than others, as you might be, but I will look at all of them before I go out into the day or out into the sun and say, Hello, how are you? Let's go and enjoy this day together. It seems to me logical and yet very creative to see what I'm bringing.


So, what do you think are some important tools that we should have?


Awareness is definitely key. You know, you see people walking across the street, you see people in shopping malls, and you see some people and you wonder, like, how do they do it? And you see others and they look like they're on a complete mission. And some look like they're stargazing. So, we don't judge, obviously, anyone by the cover, but we know if we're prepared and we're aware if we are attuned and tuned in to our self and what's happening. I was sitting with my husband last night and I asked him if he saw something and he said I was having another conversation and I said, Don't you have your eyes on me all the time? Are you not watching everything I'm doing every second? And he said, I am, but I didn't see anything out of the norm, so it didn't catch me. I'm like, okay, so it depends on your level and type of awareness. Are you tuned in or are you dialed in to what's going on around you? I say anything within a football field of me is in my zone.


That's good. Are there a way that you have heightened your awareness to what's around you?


I have many people in my life helping me. I am a big advocate of my mental health, so I am very involved with coaches that help me with Reiki, with yoga, with mind clearing, with energy clearing, with my health and my nutrition. I believe that everyone has their level of expertise, and far be it for me to decide that I would be an expert in all of those fields, which allows me to remain an expert in mine. So, I believe that it's important to have a support team for business, for marketing, for our minds, for our dreams, and of course, my lifelong partner, my husband who supports my every waking second.


And keeps those eyes on you every waking.


Second. Always. Sometimes I wonder how closely. But he says, closely so.


How do we, in your opinion, set boundaries for ourselves? Because I know sometimes, we as women have a difficult time setting boundaries for some reason. So how do you set yours?


I think I was born with a boundary meter, so I don't understand that part. So, I am very crystal clear on what I want to meet. Like I wear these. This is a Dalmatian, Jasper, Crystal Stone. It's a foundational crystal that I've just recently discovered through a friend, Tanya, from my company, The Bridge. And it's black and white for me. I'm very clear on what I want, and I know exactly where I stand at all times. And when I know where I stand, I surely know where you stand. So, my boundaries are more about my existence and where I feel I am either in or out of comfort or in or out of alignment when I know where I am, you know how far to go because you can sense that it's an energy.


Yeah, you know. I had somebody say to me once. If you have difficulty in the beginning setting boundaries, make a list of your hard no's because then you already know up front that this is a line that people can't cross, and it becomes more solidified to you. What are your thoughts on that?


I won't disagree with that, but I have many people in my life and if I made a list, I'd have to make 1000 because you have different boundaries with me than other people. I will tell you, my grandchildren have very few boundaries, like they can cross every line at any time. So, if I made a list, I might bring the hardness out. I just know where I stand at all times. I know where I am. So, if my three-year-old decides to lie across me from head to toe, there's no boundary for that. That's what they want. That's what they feel. I don't walk in with the boundary. I walk in knowing who I am and what I have to offer.


Let's say in business, someone crosses a boundary with you. How do you correct that?


I don't know how that would happen because again, I would stand as we have had some experience together, I stand in what I know. I am very transparent. I allow vulnerability. And I don't believe there is a position or a place where someone would want to take advantage because we do to others as we want others to do onto us. That's the energy that I hold. And if I hold that energy, I couldn't imagine someone wanting anything less of that.


So, let's go back to this path to success. What are some of the potholes that you see people get caught in?


Not being aware, not paying attention. Maybe being distracted, although I think distractions are great. I met my husband walking on the beach in Club Med Eleuthera. A hummingbird walked past me. That distraction was the best one in my life. My eyes are always open. I'm always aware of what's going on. Last night we were walking down the street and saying, We live in Niagara on the lake. And we were walking down the street in Old Town. And there's your cousin. If I were not looking, if my eyes weren't open, if we didn't park the car where we did, if we weren't holding hands walking down the street at that moment, we may not have seen our cousin. So, I believe the potholes are not looking and paying attention. Listen to our own instinct. If you close your eyes, you'll have a sense of what energy the two of us have. You'll decide if you want to stay there or not. If you don't listen to yourself, and if you do lean into it, we are the best guide for ourselves.


So, what do you think? Or do you think that there are particular things that women need to keep their eyes open for that as opposed to men?


Well, I love the fact that we look at ourselves. People really get a good look. I used to own a psychology personal fitness training facility over 25 years ago, and the experience I had was the women were able to take their clothes off and change their gym clothes and come into the treatment room with me. We do some body work and what was really great is the way that I didn't get to do that with the men. That wasn't part of the treatment. But I would watch how the women felt about their bodies all shapes, all sizes, all forms. And when someone would just finish a workout and a shower with some beautiful products that I would give them to scrub their body, make their skin glow, and then come into the treatment room and lie on the table. 

They felt amazing. Some of those women were perfect height and weight for their shape and BMI, and some of them were £50 overweight, but they felt great. And I think looking at ourselves and embracing who we are and what we are and what we have, not someone else, but purely stand in front of the mirror. Take your clothes off, ladies and gentlemen, and see if you like what you're looking at. And are you proud and be proud of who you are at that exact moment because people will sense that. Do you ever see someone walking down the street and you're like, I want what they're having? You remember that movie when Harry Met Sally and she went into that whole scene. 

I want what I'm having so that I can maintain this level of high vibration. So, in terms of what you said about boundaries before and our journey, I think to surround ourselves with people that we feel are on a high vibration tune into that. Yes, we all have to clean the house and mop the floor. And some of us don't ever do that, but just use it as a metaphor. And sometimes we have to like to look through the papers and pay the bills. But once you decide, do you spend your time doing those things or do you have others do it for you so that you can remain at a higher vibration? I personally like to remain in the zone where I really work with high energy, and I prefer to have other people do other things for me because that's their energy. So, I don't want to take a job away from anyone else because I like to stay in my zone. So, I like to know where I am, who I am, what am I bringing into the room at this moment and how am I handling that? So, I look in the mirror every day. Mirror There's my New York accents coming out and I look, and I say, I'm really grateful for who I am. And if I thought, well, gee, I really wish I were a little taller or I thought I was, or a little bigger here or smaller here, I take another look and say, let's just be really grateful for who I am at this moment, because it could be so different and wishing something other than what we have could go anywhere we any way we do and don't want.


Let's talk about that for a minute, because I think that's a struggle for a lot of women. We look in the mirror and instead of seeing the wonderful and beautiful things, we focus on the flaws, or we pick apart what we see. Any advice on how we can make that mental shift to stop doing that and to focus on what's beautiful?


Sure. Work with a great coach. Work with me. Talk to me. I can't fix what's in your head, but I can certainly put another light on it. I will take the emotional gaps and bridge them to the gaps of reality. Sometimes we're thinking about something that's totally not where we're at, so we lose our confidence, and we lose our mojo about something. And then you take someone who is going to focus on that for you and come in and put the light where it needs to be. That might take a few taps. It might take a few promptings. We don't always get trained in one session. It's a lifelong journey for me, so I wouldn't ever take my foot off the gas when it comes to improving myself and personal growth. I don't think I ever have enough because I intend to be as amazing at 100 as I am right now at 64.


Yeah. And you know, I think that's another thing, too. It's not a destination, it's a journey. And people need to accept that it's a journey. Let me ask this, when you are on this path to success, how strongly is the link between how we feel about who we are, whether it be physically or mentally? How strong is that link to you between that and success?


Well, I look at myself as the only person that I need to really deal with. I don't really look at anybody else's version. I look at my own. I think about my heart and my soul and my energy when I wake up in the morning. And if it's where I want it to be, maybe I need to do some extra breathing. I have a ritual. It's really important to have rituals. So, I have a ritual. I don't wake up and let the dog out and find the cat. I have animals, but even when I did, I knew where they were at all times because their energy was around me. So, I believe that when you know who you are. And you're checking in on yourself. You don't really need to be distracted by something else that someone else says or thinks. Now, there are trauma cases. There are cases where there is extreme hurt and pain in people's lives, and that's that needs to be addressed. So, if there is something that is traumatic, then absolutely I recommend we look at that, as painful as it might be, just look at it. Decide to be aware of it. Step one, take a look. Step two, decide what you're going to do. Step three, decide if you're going to take an action. Step four, take an action. So, if you just go right into take an action and that's the way your modus operandi is, that might be fine for you. But if you're going to doubt yourself, if your...

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