How’s your inner child doing?

Inner child healing is a constant evolution and something I constantly revisit. As I go through my healing journey, I uncover my own layers and understanding of what it means for me. Conversations about inner child healing go hand in hand with the mother archetype and how it shows up in our lives through subconscious patterns that are created.

I believe conscious, spiritual beings are interested in healing and becoming the best versions of themselves; not from materialistic gain but by really coming home to Self. Learning more about who they are underneath all these patterns and conditionings picked up along the way is part of healing core wounds.

With every divine archetype, there is a shadow to accompany it. With the mother archetype, the shadow is the people pleaser or martyr. I’ve coined the core limiting belief for the shadow archetype as “I am not enough.”

The new core belief to adopt and embody the mother archetype is…

“I am worthy of existence and I am enough as I am.”

There is nothing you need to do, feel, have or achieve to be worthy, to love yourself, to be enough. When we are able to adopt the mother archetype, what happens is we start to make time for our self-care and we start to prioritize and nurture our needs.


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