#230                                                                                                                                                                               We are talking about an exciting topic, paying yourself!

Doesn’t that sound good?

Far too many gym owners and Fit Pros are either not paying themselves consistently or not paying themselves enough. 

Let’s fix that. 

This episode is a follow-up to #158 published on 2/28/23.

In that show, we discussed:

How to systematically pay yourself every month

How to determine how much to pay yourself

How to give yourself a raise

How to balance paying yourself and investing in business growth


This installment discusses the bigger issue of adjusting your mindset to ensure you are paying yourself. 

I’m pumped because I know someone’s life will change as a result of this change. 

 Listen to this episode, apply what you learn, and teach it to others. By the way, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!

Listen and grow!

Your Financial Coach,


P.S. If you are just starting or have been in business for a while but need a reset, book a short call with me here

P.P.S. If you don’t have clear financial goals and a path to get there, please book a call here.