#209: Seran Glanfield from www.springthree.com brings the fire as we talk about all things boutique fitness studios. 

The interview is loaded with actionable steps to help you improve but here are 3 highlights. 

We talk about the importance of putting yourself in a position of power where you can make decisions that will serve you best. 

Next, we talk about the best practices for fitness business owners to grow a business they are proud of. 

Finally, we discuss the crucial aspects of the client journey, the 3 legs of the business stool, and the simple process you need to develop to have clients finding you, happy to pay what you charge, and stay for a long time!

Listen to this episode, apply what you learn, and teach it to others. By the way, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!

Listen and grow!

Your Financial Coach,


P.S. If you or someone you know is looking for a plan to dial in their finances and achieve some financial freedom, book a short call with me here

P.P.S. You can book a call at that same link if you are interested in getting your financials dialed in and efficient with bookkeeping.