Mary Elaine and Brett Baker are the co-founders of VAUSA, a virtual assisting company. 

Brett spent 13 years as an Army Ranger doing multiple deployments. 

To say this was putting stress on the family would be an understatement. By the 5th year, the burnout was real and he realized he wasn’t “showing up” like he wanted. 

So, they did what anyone would do. They started a company with a wild vision of creating 350 jobs for military-affiliated individuals. 🙂

The problems military families face became very real to them and they wanted to do something about it. They took their values and passions which included military families, faith, personal growth, and marriage, and created a company with an amazing culture that practices intentional growth. 

This conversation is loaded with value. We dove into topics ranging from:

When and how to hire an assistant

What an assistant can actually do for you

The proper way to delegate

Best practices when running a family biz (these ideas are helpful for anyone)

Tune in to hear a powerful story with many success lessons!

Find out more and connect with VAUSA by:

Visiting their website

Checking them out on Linkedin

Downloading 125 delegating ideas

Listen to this episode, apply what you learn, and teach it to others. By the way, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!

Listen and grow!

Your Financial Coach,


P.S. If you or someone you know is looking for a plan to dial in their finances and achieve some financial freedom, book a short call with me here

P.P.S. You can book a call at that same link if you are interested in getting your financials dialed in and efficient with bookkeeping.