Today we have a meaningful conversation with my wife of 15 years, Melissa Hofacker.

We sat down and talked all things, money and marriage. 

Getting on the same page with their spouse has been one of the most game-changing things for my clients. 

Doing so will lead to the 3Hs (hope, happiness, and health). 

Part of the steps toward the 3Hs is communication and finances. 

After diving into wires and boxes and family meetings, you find out how these topics eventually helped a young couple who once almost went to the club barefoot. 

Of course, as always, action steps are given. 

Be sure to register for the free webinar on 10/3 where you’ll learn the 4 Keys to a FInacially Fit Marriage. 

Listen to this episode, apply what you learn, and teach it to others. By the way, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!

Listen and grow!

Your Financial Coach,


P.S. If you or someone you know is looking for a plan to dial in your finances and achieve some financial freedom, book a short call with me here