Previous Episode: 121. Staying on Purpose
Next Episode: 123. The 5Ps of Success

My interview with Tony Gentilcore is one of the most well-rounded ones I’ve had on the show.

We covered so many important topics I wasn’t sure what to call it. 

Here are just some of the things we discussed. 

Tony has managed to create a great following and he did it the right way. 

He’s humble to say that he had good “luck” but we know that luck is when preparation meets opportunity. 

I like the way he simplifies the process of creating content and connect with his audience (hint: he drops 90s hip hop references). 

The content creation section of the interview was worth the listen alone but we also dove into some other useful topics. 

We talked about how Tony is a co-founder of Cressey Performance and how he used his time there to not only get lots of experience but build his own brand.

This is an important topic both from the standpoint of being a coach AND being a business owner as it’s difficult to manage the balance of supporting coaches to reach their potential while protecting your business. 

Of course we talked about the money side of things too, everything from having a system to ensure cash flow as well as the importance of multiple revenue streams.

Enjoy the show and as always, thanks for tuning in!

By the way, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!

Listen and grow!


Here are some important links.

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