Jamie Wilkey discusses how she built her pharmacy consulting business and how she teaches and empowers other pharmacists to do the same. 

Key Points From This Episode

Nate shares how he is peaking as a real estate agent at exactly the wrong time of year. David and Nate weigh in on how hard it is to get anything without going over list price. How real estate is a more time-intensive investment strategy than the traditional forms. An introduction to today’s guest, pharmacist and entrepreneur, Jamie Wilkey.  The story of how she started out as a side hustle before creating a full-time opportunity for herself. Why she considers the personal development aspect of her career to be the most important. How creating a side hustle allows for creativity without the pressure of building a career. The bottleneck effect that you create when you try to do everything yourself. What bringing a team on board has enabled her to do: free up her time and be a leader. $10 tasks, how she defines them and how they benefit your business by freeing up time. The benefit that hiring a virtual assistant to do your $10 tasks can bring to your business. What she has gained by reaching out to strangers and asking them to share their wisdom. How acting, asking questions and just taking the first step gives you confidence. Why there is no wrong choice and picking something that appeals to you pays off. Her recommendation that you find what you love in life. Why looking for the quickest buck only gets you so far in comparison to loving what you do. A strategy she uses to stay working on the business, not in the business: time blocking. The most helpful non-pharmacy resource she has used: LinkedIn. Jamie’s advice for pharmacists considering entrepreneurship: believe in yourself that you can do it and to take an action every day that moves you closer to that goal.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

PGx Consulting Confidence Academy National Small Business Association LinkedIn Connect with Dr. Jamie Wilkey on LinkedIn Email Jamie Wilkey: [email protected] Join the YFP Real Estate Investing Facebook Group YFP Real Estate Investing Your Financial Pharmacist Disclaimer and Disclosures