Nate Hedrick and David Bright take a deep dive on leveraging your money through a mortgage.

Key Points From This Episode

Nate updates us on his great rental in Cleveland. Trying to predict what to expect for 2022. Reaching out to listeners; tell us what you want our next webinar to be about! How risky it feels to borrow money if you've been in student loan debt before. Diving deeper into our topic for today: leveraging your money through mortgages. Getting into some common FAQs on shopping for loans. We do the math to break down the potential financial risks of different scenarios. What the short and long-term risks are if the market shifts downwards.  The costs of selling a house that's had a big level of value increase, and the value of looking at it from a percentage basis. Proving how leveraging lowers the barrier to entry in real estate investing.  How real estate is just not as liquid as other types of investing. Setting up your mortgage, balloon payments, property managers, and more! Diversifying to manage risk, and using the stock market as a great analogy.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode

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