On Episode 28 of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast, we discuss the dreaded, yet all important, “B word”....budgeting.

With a New Year comes the opportunity to get a fresh start on setting a budget that will help you achieve your financial goals. In this episode, we cover why having a budget is key to your long-term financial success, why so many people fail with keeping a budget, various budgeting strategies, and tools that can help you execute your monthly budget.

Episodes 28 Giveaway

Along with this episode, we are providing a YFP step-by-step spending plan (budget) template that will put you on the path to putting purpose to your spending each month.

This YFP spending plan Excel template is ready to go with formulas that will allow you to easily create a zero-based budget.

Get your FREE spending plan template at www.yourfinancialpharmacist.com/budget

Featured on the Show

YFP Episode 027: Tim, Tim & Tim Recap the Best of 2017 & What’s Ahead for 2018 ‘When Budgeting Isn’t Your Thing’ by Jess Ulbrich Nerdwallet 2017 American Household Credit Card Debt Study The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris YFP Episode 020 & 021: 6 Reasons Pharmacy Graduates Will Struggle to Build Wealth (And What to Do About It) YFP Episode 005: The Impact of Rising Student Debt on a Pharmacist’s Income YFP Episode 026: Baby Stepping Your Financial Plan - The 2 Things to Focus on First YFP Student Loan Quick Start Guide Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey Seven Figure Pharmacist by Tim Church, PharmD, BCACP, CDE and Tim Ulbrich, PharmD Mint - www.mint.com Mvelopes - www.mvelopes.com EveryDollar - www.everydollar.com You Need a Budget (YNAB) -www.youneedabudget.com/ YFP Pharmacist’s Guide to $1 Million