Welcome to Ask a YFP CFP®, a segment of the Your Financial Pharmacist Podcast! On today's show Tim Baker, CFP®, RLP® takes this question from a member of the YFP Facebook group: Should we pay off our current mortgage with money we’ve been saving for our forever home to be debt free?

Mentioned on the Show:

YFP Planning: Financial Planning for Pharmacists Schedule a free Discovery Call with YFP Planning Join the Your Financial Pharmacist Facebook Group Ask a YFP CFP #93: Is it ok to have a portion of my emergency fund in electronic U.S. Treasury Savings Bonds? YFP 253: YFP Planning Case Study #1: Growing a Family, Paying Off Student Loans, and Buying a House YFP 261: YFP Planning Case Study #2: Planning for Retirement, Saving for Kids' College, and Paying Off Debt YFP 270: YFP Planning Case Study #3: Financial and Life Considerations As Retirement Nears Send in your questions here or to [email protected] Your Financial Pharmacist Disclaimer and Disclosures

Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes and should not be considered financial or investment advice as we do not know all the variables to one's personal situation when answering a question.