Welcome to episode 44 of your Encore Life.  Today the title of this special podcast episode is “The One Next Right Thing We Must Do”, tagging onto last weeks episode 43.  This will be a brief episode that is the most important message I have ever shared.  It is that we all need to come together and pray as one to God for revival, a great awakening.  You all see the headlines, and there seems little to be joyful about. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you know that God has got this, He has a plan. Ask Him to make you a part of that plan.  As we see headlines of a pandemic, divisiveness, anger, rioting, hatred, and destruction, you can take a peek behind the curtain of the headlines and see that God is moving in powerful ways. Churches have stepped out from behind their walls and connected with many through online services and acts of love during this difficult time that have connected with people that have stepped away from their faith or are new to it. God has historically moved powerfully after dark periods through His people when they come together in prayer.


John Ramstead of “The Eternal Leadership” podcast that I have referenced before, is leading the charge for people of faith to come together for 40 days of prayer. It begins Monday, September 14th, but it is never too late to join in.  You can go to eternalleadership.com/prayer, which I have included a link to in the show notes, or you can text Prayer40 to 44222 to get the information and sign up.  They will provide you with a daily prayer focus and video that will take 5 minutes of your time for 40 days. If you choose not to sign up, God doesn’t require you to do that to hear your prayers. Reach out to Him and ask Him to heal our land, to give our leaders wisdom, to heal hearts, and to teach us how to live out the greatest commandment that Jesus gave us as I mentioned last week. Matthew 22: 37-40:  37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[c] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Trust God to move through our unity, faith, and prayers.

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