Welcome to episode 38 of Your Encore Life.  As promised in our last episode, I am going to review my life plan last updated in January of 2020.  I am going to be brutally honest about what I have and haven’t moved on.  If you need to find out more about creating a life plan, listen to episodes 10, 11, and 12 where i explain the steps and include links to resources in the show notes.


This is not about me.  I want to communicate that we all come up with plans that may or may not be realized and that is OK.  Situations and seasons change.  I’m quite sure many of our listeners had made plans back in January or set new years resolutions that weren’t realized, much of which may be a result of being blindsided by a pandemic that put the world back on it’s heals and continues to impact almost everything.  What is important is that we never, ever stop dreaming, stop looking forward, stop learning, stop planning, stop having goals to strive for. In reviewing my life plan after 6 months, I’ll set new timeframes for those things I won’t be able to meet in the timeframe I had said.  I’ll likely put a couple things I said I would do on hold, and I may have some new ideas that I want to strive for…so let’s get started.


In reviewing my life plan and trying to figure out where I need to do better, it boils down to using my time wisely.  I have asked my coach Mark Ross to assist me with this.  I know I need to set aside time for each thing that i hope to accomplish.  One of the hardest things about leaving the structure of a day to day job and beginning to live your encore life is creating a new time structure.  I don’t mean that I need to be rigid and designate required office time,  That is not what I want my encore life to look like.  What I do want is to eliminate wasted time doing things that have no value to myself, my family, or don’t add value to others.


I have included a link to Bible Reasons and 25 scriptures that deal with time management.  This resource states:  We should pray for God to remove procrastination and idleness from our lives. We should seek to do God’s will daily.  Continually meditate on Scripture and allow the Lord to direct your life.  A couple of the scriptures from this resource are:


Ephesians 5:15-17 So, then, be careful how you live. Do not be unwise but wise, making the best use of your time because the times are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.


Colossians 4:5 Behave wisely toward outsiders, making the best use of your time.


Psalm 90:12 Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.



So what about you?  Do or did you have dreams, goals, plans that you have given up on or just put aside.  Your action plan is to go back to your written goals, life plans, vision boards, or whatever you used and revive the plans that are important, re-evaluate those that may not be valid or important any longer because of a new season you are in.  If you don’t have any written life plan, goals, or vision-purpose-mission statement I encourage you to begin that process.  There are many resources available to help you with the process including previous episodes of this podcast.


We all need to have a purpose we are looking to serve and dreams we want to fulfill.  During difficult and unprecedented times like these, we need to focus on moving forward, for this season will close, and just like the farmer who must plant seeds to look forward to the harvest, we need to be ready.  I will be moving forward by adjusting my life plan to be more relevant to where I am now, and working on time management to make the most of the precious time I do have.

Bible Reasons: Scriptures on Time Management Core 52: Mark Moore Contact Craig