Hello, my Empty Nest Friend!

So, I wonder if this episode is the one that gets my listeners worked up. These are thoughts that we don't hear often, so I'm putting them out there. If you aren't a fan of my approach - it is all good, differences are what makes this world interesting.

However, if you can barely stand to listen to my take on grades, I challenge you to take a look at your thoughts and be curious as to the why. Ask yourself, "Who would I be in the world, if for a moment, I tried on these new thoughts and could find myself in a space where I believe them?"

Let me know where you are and let's chat about it. If you are happy with who you show up in the world as with your thoughts on this topic, then you are all good!

Take a listen, or read the transcript, below.

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This and every episode is brought to you by my Free Program: The Empty Nest: A Guide to Uncovering My Future

What You Will Learn in this Episode:

To question what you are making a GPA/grades mean To challenge your thinking about the 4.0 To think about who gets to walk across the stage at graduation To question what you make grades mean in your life

Episode Questions for You To Consider

How much does your child’s grade change your mood?

How were your grades in school?

Episode Resources

Episode #3. Empty Nest Prep Part 1: Your Thoughts Episode #13. Future You Has All The Power Episode #17: Green Popsicle Sticks Community

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For detailed show notes, full transcription and more, visit my website:


For everything else visit https://youremptynestcoach.com/links/

Between shows spend time with me on:

Instagram: @EmptyNestcoach Twitter: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook Group: Empty Nest Podcast Flock

You are preparing for the empty nest ahead as your child(ren) prepares, heads off to and experiences college.

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