Hello, my Empty Nest Friend!   We change our mind all of the time, don't we?   But how do you treat yourself when you do change a decision that you have made? Guess what? It isn't time to beat yourself up. It is time to be curious, to question it, check it and then be all in on your new decision: whether it is to stay the course or do something different.    Easy? Maybe not, but I've got you! Take a listen, or read the transcript, below.   Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review this podcast!   This and every episode is brought to you by my Free Program: The Empty Nest: A Guide to Uncovering My Future   What You Will Learn in this Episode:  How the path to future you is like a spider web. To be kind to yourself when you question if you are on the right path to future you Things you need to do in order to expand your future (rest, plan, adjust & repair) About spider webs   Episode Questions for You To Consider How do you normally treat yourself when you change your mind? How do you feel about spiders? :) Episode Resources BBC Earth: Beautiful Spider Web Build Time-lapse Spider building a web Episode #3. Empty Nest Prep Part 1: Your Thoughts Episode #13. Future You Has All The Power Episode #17: Green Popsicle Sticks Community   Fly on over and join our Empty Nest Flock Community: https://youremptynestcoach.com/community/   For detailed show notes, full transcription and more, visit my website: https://youremptynestcoach.com/p26/   For everything else visit https://youremptynestcoach.com/links/   Between shows spend time with me on: Instagram: @EmptyNestcoach  Twitter: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook Group: Empty Nest Podcast Flock    You are preparing for the empty nest ahead as your child(ren) prepares, heads off to and experiences college.

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