Hello, my Empty Nest Friend!   In this episode, I share some of my favorite Thursday Thoughts About email content with you: being brave, imposter syndrome and consistency.    Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review this podcast!   What You Will Learn in this Episode:  About my weekly email: Thursday Thoughts About The thought I used, in the last minutes, to motivate me to attend an out-of-town event - to move me from "Nah," to "yes!" Where the draft of my imposter syndrome episode began The types of content included in my Thursday Thoughts About emails   Episode Questions for You To Consider   Are you on my "Thursday Thoughts About" email, yet?  If yes, what is your favorite type of email? If no, why the heck not? Episode Resources Episode 8: Imposter Syndrome Green Popsicle Sticks Community Episode   Fly on over and join our Empty Nest Flock Community: https://youremptynestcoach.com/community/   For detailed show notes, full transcription and more, visit my website: https://youremptynestcoach.com/p22/   For everything else visit https://youremptynestcoach.com/links/   Between shows spend time with me on: Instagram: @EmptyNestcoach  Twitter: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook Group: Empty Nest Podcast Flock    You are preparing for the empty nest ahead as your child(ren) prepares, heads off to and experiences college.

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