Hello, my Empty Nest Friend!   I am unbelievably excited to have Carolyn Allison Caplan AKA Admissions Mom as a guest on my episode, today. Honestly, I could have spoken with Carolyn for hours, but, alas, I had to return to work from my lunch break.  But, no worries, we already discussed having her back on the podcast. Yay!    In this episode, we chat about those extracurricular activities that are so necessary for a college application. Carolyn's viewpoint is one that I adore, and her heart for the students she assists is evident and infectious. Seriously, take a look at the karma this amazing lady has on Reddit! Good stuff!   Whether you have a kiddo heading off to college in the next few years or not, there are tremendous nuggets of wisdom in this conversation with Carolyn. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed chatting with her! As always, thanks for listening!   Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review this podcast!   What You Will Learn in this Episode:  How important extracurricular activities are in the college admission process. Is there a magic number of extracurricular activities? Is there such a thing as too many extracurricular activities?  Should I, as a mother, be concerned about my child's lack of participation in school activities? The importance of leadership in your own life. Carolyn's Star Shaped Philosophy Great Community extracurricular activity suggestions. How awesome Houston's weather is most of the year And more! Episode Questions for You To Consider Did AdmissonsMom give you a new perspective on extracurriculars?  How do you feel about extracurriculars?  Fly on over and join our Empty Nest Flock Community: https://youremptynestcoach.com/community/   For detailed show notes, full transcription and more, visit my website: https://youremptynestcoach.com/p19/     For everything else visit https://youremptynestcoach.com/links/   Between shows spend time with me on: Instagram: @EmptyNestcoach  Twitter: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook Group: Empty Nest Podcast Flock    You are preparing for the empty nest ahead as your child(ren) prepares, heads off to and experiences college.

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