Hello, my Empty Nest Friend!   This episode has taken more energy than most others!   It took me weeks to gather my thoughts and then a few more additional weeks to put them together and even assemble it. The result is a fable I created for us! It is my gift to you.  Let me know if it resonates with you. In today's episode, I introduce you to Greenlee the green popsicle stick.     Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review this podcast!   What You Will Learn in this Episode:  If the green popsicle stick fable resonates with you   Episode Questions for You To Consider What structures are you supporting? Where are you in green popsicle stick journey? Do you have your GPS? Fly on over and join our Empty Nest Flock Community: https://youremptynestcoach.com/community/   For detailed show notes, visit my website:  https://youremptynestcoach.com/p17/ For everything else visit https://youremptynestcoach.com/links/   Between shows spend time with me on: Instagram: @EmptyNestcoach  Twitter: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook: @EmptyNestCoach Facebook Group: Empty Nest Podcast Flock  You are preparing for the empty nest ahead as your child(ren) prepares, heads off to and experiences college.

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