Michael Ray was one of the very first students to go through the Evolve Artist Program curriculum. Throughout his education and work with Evolve, Michael has been an inspiration for how to get work done and get it done well.

Michael has a family, a full-time job and many other responsibilities but was still able to thrive with Evolve, and is now looking forward to selling his work at a professional level.

Full shownotes: http://yourcreativepush.com/357

In this episode, Michael discusses:

-What his artistic life looked like before signing up for Evolve Artist.

-The stark differences he has discovered between the Evolve program and other online schools and online courses that he has taken.

-The red pill/blue bill moment.

-How everyone starts at the same point in the Evolve Artist Program.

-How the Evolve program teaches you to see first and then apply what you see on the canvas.

-The extraction of variables by giving all students the same high-quality materials and Old Holland paints.

-The freedom to be able to make mistakes.

-The many directions that you can take your skills once you get the fundamentals down.

-The commitment he made to himself to be present and focused on the assignments.

-How he has witnessed the proven process of the Evolve Artist Program through all the students who keep creating art they never thought they’d be able to create.


“There’s this creative force and energy inside of me that has to be dealt with.”

“The Evolve fundamentals are truly fundamentals.”

“There is no shortcut around experience.”

“It’s a proven process, over and over again.”

Links mentioned:

The Evolve Artist Program (Exclusive 10% Discount)

Evolve Webinar Mailing List

Dorian Vallejo

The Evolve Artist Program Review (w/ Mitch Bowler) [YCP Ep. 354]

Let someone walk you to your artistic dreams (w/ Piper Talladay) [YCP Ep. 355]

Don’t go to art school. Evolve instead (w/ Kevin Murphy) [YCP Ep. 356]

Connect with Michael:


On the next episode:

Mur Lafferty : Website / Twitter

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