Training new team members are challenging. You are not only training them on things they need to learn and do… but you also need to help them integrated into your culture and engaged them in your vision.   The biggest mistake that most people make when we train our team members are only teaching HOW to do things. Teaching the HOW is essential, but it is only half of what they need to know.   You have to understand that even if they did exactly what they have been told… They will never do it as you do. They will never do it with the same enthusiasm. They will never do it and get the same result.   WHY?   Well, the reason is simple… they don’t have CONTEXT. When you train your associates or CAs or anyone, the most critical element is to explain WHY they are doing this action or saying “x”.   The WHY helps them understand the INTENTION of the action. The intention gives them the power to modify and adapt the action to do it better.   If the goal is simply to get them to do it like you… then just teach them the HOW.   But you want them to make your practice BETTER… then teach them the WHY before the HOW. #LaurenceTham #DriveYourPractice #YourChiroCoach