Difficult conversations are hard.
Because it usually starts with a conversation with yourself.
It's hard work.

It's challenging to consider that you "may" be wrong.
It's challenging to consider that your thoughts may have a hidden bias.
It's difficult to accept that how you see the world is NOT the way others see it.

That's what I have been trying to understand.
Seeing how I can do better in LISTENING.

Before we can truly understand or judge another, we need to first walk in their shoes.
See the world in their eyes...
Through their filters.

Otherwise, you are judging based on your own filters, experiences, and bias.

In the recent weeks concerning Black Lives Matter Protests that have swept across the world…
I have felt helpless, scared, and not sure what to do.
What is appropriate, what to say or not to say.

It's easier to hide.
It's easier to just ignore (and wait for the next news cycle).
It's easier to just pretend that everything is ok….
because it DOESN'T affect me.

That's the luxury that most of us have.
We can choose to look away.
Walk out of the room and pretend that's happening somewhere else but not where I live.
Walk away knowing that there are bad people in the world, but I know I am not.

That's comfortable.

But for me, I feel a bit different about it.
I feel compelled to do something different.
To do what is HARD instead.

But that means I have to start with LISTENING…
and try to understand.

So I decided to reach out.
Reach out to friends in the profession.
And ask them to share on my platform with you.

To walk for a moment in their shoes and try to see the world in their perspective.

This is not a Chiropractic issue (or is it?)
But I wanted to share their message so that our profession can maybe learn that it just might be.

I am so grateful for Sophie McDermott, Shara Fergus Neufeldt and Dean Blackstock...
for their courage to speak up
for their willingness to share
and for being honest with their emotions and thoughts during this time.

I hope you enjoy this entire conversation. It's a meaningful conversation for us to listen to.

The title of this episode was inspired by a blog post by Seth Godin:

Listening is difficult

"Hearing happens when we're able to recognize a sound.

Listening happens when we put in the effort to understand what it means.

It not only requires focus, but it also requires a commitment to encountering the experience, intent and emotion behind the words. And that commitment can be scary. Because if we're exposed to that emotion and those ideas, we discover things we might be avoiding."

Seth Godin

Thank-you Seth for summing up this so beautifully.


Check out the FULL Video Version of this episode on Youtube and Facebook.